I'm writing to let you know how delighted I am with the Copper Heels you sent me.

I am in my early 70's and suffer from aches, pains and stiffness of my joints.

I was truly sceptical before buying, but like many people I had reached the point of saying "I might as well try them nothing helps so far".

I have found quite considerable benefits with easing of aches and the stiffness. You do have to wear them all the time so more than one pair is desirable, one for indoors and another for outside. Of course you can move the copper heels from one pair of shoes to another, but is not to be recommended.

However, I have no hesitation in recommending that if you are at all arthritic you spend money on at least one pair. Over the weeks that I have had my two

pairs there has been a gradual but, noticeable improvement and now I would not be without them.

Thanking you most sincerely.

Mr. P.J.T. Berks.